
About us


Statement of Faith

“That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith...being rooted and firmly established

in love.” —Ephesians 3:17

Faith Baptist Church Saltillo is a family of like-minded believers in Jesus Christ. It is our

mission to develop our faith and understanding in God, His purposes, and His will. We

believe that when we follow Him, based upon the teachings of His one and only Son,

Jesus, as revealed through His inspired and inerrant Word, then He uses us to

accomplish the mission that our Lord and Savior Jesus commissioned us—to share the

message of salvation through repentance and the forgiveness of our sins. The Bible

simply refers to this message as “the Gospel,” or Good News!

As we become equipped to be the people God has called us to be, we are drawn to yield

our lives to Christ, “Upward, Inward, and Outward.”

UPWARD...refers to our worship, Bible study, and becoming disciples—followers

of Jesus Christ. At Faith, our style of worship is a blend of traditional hymns and

contemporary songs of faith, which draw our spirits ever upward towards a more

intimate understanding of our Father, and His Son. As our knowledge of God

increases, and our love for Him deepens through worship and discipleship, we

are “Going Deeper in Our Faith” as a result.

INWARD...refers to we, as the body of Christ, ministering and meeting the needs

of our fellow members. This work involves our various activities of fellowship, as

well as nurturing a sense of care and attention among our members. We believe

that from the moment a person walks through our doors, it is no accident—that

God Himself is placing someone whom we must extend His hospitality and

express our desire to welcome them into our fellowship.

OUTWARD...refers to Christ’s Great Commission for us to “make disciples” as we

are going through life, seeking out people whom God has placed in our path so

that they may hear the Good News—How this massage has changed our lives.

Then, we simply invite them to make the same decision about Jesus that we have

made! Throughout the year, we engage in specific events to draw people

throughout our community within our reach, with the hope of sharing the

message of the Gospel with them.

Baptist Faith and Message
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